Use Cases

Healthy code, happy teams

Improve code health with large-scale changes and track key initiatives across your entire codebase.

Track and improve code health across your entire codebase

Find unhealthy code

Build a healthier codebase by finding references to deprecated services, libraries, URL patterns, and more across all your repositories.

Remediate code health issues

Tackle refactoring efforts and tech debt from legacy systems and acquisitions with automated pull requests across your entire codebase.

Monitor code health initiatives

Stay on top of code health changes. Monitor and measure code health initiatives and get actionable insights into the impact of large-scale changes.

Improving code health can be daunting

Engineering teams need to track and measure code quality consistently to monitor code health across their entire codebase, but current tools don't make this easy. What does that mean for you?

  • Old versions, libraries, or functions are littered throughout your code, resulting in incidents and backward compatibility issues.
  • Unclear code ownership leads to unclear responsibility, making it hard for developers to find the right domain expert when they need help.
  • Engineering managers struggle to justify prioritizing and addressing tech debt because success is difficult to track and measure.

Lyft boosts code health and accelerates developer velocity

With the help of Sourcegraph, we were able to quickly look at all clients of an API and remove unused attributes that lived in different repositories, ultimately simplifying our APIs and speeding up developer iteration time.

Justin Phillips, Software Engineer at Lyft
Lyft logoRead the case study

How Sourcegraph helps

Find old versions easily

Use Code Search to spot deprecated methods and APIs left in your code and share examples of how the latest versions are used.

Indeed improves code health at scale

On average, I'd say that for every automated merge request that we're able to merge we save an hour…if we are doing several thousand automated merges in a year, we're saving several employee's worth of time.

Jared Hodge, Senior Manager, Developer Experience at Indeed
IndeedRead the case study

Quantcast accelerates large-scale refactoring

Quantcast uses Sourcegraph to create burndown lists of issues and provide code owners links to Sourcegraph search results. Since Sourcegraph searches every repository, a single engineer can analyze thousands of repositories in only a few days rather than months.

QuantcastRead the case study

Workiva efficiently pays down tech debt

As an organization that values paying down tech debt, Workiva's Client Platform team started using Sourcegraph to help them efficiently propagate updates to dependencies across all of their repositories without any ongoing maintenance.

WorkivaRead the case study

Get started with Sourcegraph

Give your team the tools they need to build a healthier codebase.

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