Our customers move faster with Sourcegraph

Companies of all sizes and in all industries use Sourcegraph's code intelligence platform to understand, fix, and automate across their entire codebase.

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Improve code security

Find, fix, and track vulnerable code quickly across your entire codebase.

You can't fix what you can't find. Remediate vulnerabilities with confidence knowing you found every instance of affected code. Track your remediation initiatives to completion with automated fixes and pull requests. With Sourcegraph, timely resolution is a search away.

  • Reduce time to recovery with a single search
  • Automate fixing, merging, and deploying changes with Batch Changes
  • Alert for known vulnerabilities and risky code changes with code monitoring
Learn more about code security with Sourcegraph

The more we dug, the more we realized [Log4Shell] was everywhere and nowhere at the same time… Sourcegraph was the right product at the right time.

Jon Kohler, Technical Director at Nutanix

For our new developers, Sourcegraph has been invaluable to get to know the repository structure, to track down where code lives, and self-service during their investigations.

Owen Kim, Senior Software Engineer, Convoy

Accelerate developer onboarding

Decrease time to first commit with self-serve onboarding, codebase exploration, and knowledge sharing.

Onboard teammates faster and improve dev velocity by making it easy to search and find code and context. Unlike splintered tooling and knowledge management systems that require manual interaction and upkeep, Sourcegraph helps devs self-serve.

  • Search across all repositories and multiple branches to find answers in staging, dev, and production environments
  • Understand large codebases with definitions and references with advanced code navigation
  • Get answers faster with shareable links to specific code
Learn more about dev onboarding with Sourcegraph

Resolve incidents faster

Identify the root cause in code and fix the issue everywhere.

“Every minute matters when responding to a business-critical incident. Downtime = revenue lost. Sourcegraph helps development teams identify the root cause in code, understand why the problem occurred and its potential impact on other services, fix the issue everywhere so it won't reoccur, and assure incident responders that all holes are plugged.”

  • Quickly understand all context & dependencies around the codebase to self-serve or involve relevant teams
  • Refactor code to replace insecure functions, update vulnerable packages, or modify container configurations across hundreds of repositories
  • Document your solution by sharing links to searches and files and recording work in a search notebook
Learn more about incident response with Sourcegraph

Sourcegraph's search gave us confidence because we knew we wouldn't overlook anything: Sourcegraph returns all search results, it doesn't drop or elide them.

Simon Law, Staff Software Engineer, Quantcast

If I'm developing code for a library that might draw charts, for example, we don't want 30 different ways to draw a chart at FactSet. With Sourcegraph, I can search the code to find other chart examples, and simply copy the code. This saves us time and ensures consistency.

Joseph Majesky, Software Engineer, FactSet

Streamline code reuse

Stop wasting time rewriting code.

With Sourcegraph, you can find existing code libraries for reuse and avoid spending time on problems you know a teammate already solved. This means a more secure and coherent codebase and more time for you to spend on more interesting work. Sourcegraph makes it easy to:

  • Quickly discover code you can trust for reuse by typing your query and getting an answer
  • Evaluate signals from multiple sources and tools to help you assess if you should use the code
  • Safely and efficiently maintain code that is being reused and easily make changes everywhere with Batch Changes
  • Add a code monitor to alert you of commits using an out-of-date library
Learn more about code reuse with Sourcegraph

Boost code health

Improve code posture with large-scale changes and track code health initiatives towards completion.

Engineering teams need to monitor code health across their entire codebase to track and measure code quality consistently. Sourcegraph helps teams figure out the components of code health they have all agreed on and work towards a healthier codebase.

  • Search for and refactor references to deprecated services, libraries, URL patterns, and more across all your repositories with confidence
  • Understand the impact of changes on health and find interventions for improving code health
  • Efficiently tackle tech debt from legacy systems and acquisitions
Learn more about code health with Sourcegraph

With the help of Sourcegraph, we were able to quickly look at all clients of an API and remove unused attributes that lived in different repositories, ultimately simplifying our APIs and speeding up developer iteration time.

Justin Phillips, Software Engineer, Lyft

Try Sourcegraph on your code.

Experience code intelligence with a free trial for you and your team, or search millions of open source repositories.