Use Cases

Find and use code that already exists

Identify existing code libraries for reuse and use innersourcing to avoid spending time on problems a teammate already solved.

Identify, resolve, and monitor with confidence

Quickly find trustworthy code to reuse

Search your entire codebase to discover existing code to reuse. Gather crucial context, like who wrote the code, when, and where it’s used.

Safely maintain and improve shared libraries

Automate PRs to push global updates. Get alerts when out-of-date libraries or deprecated functions are used, and eliminate duplicative code.

Understand your team’s code reuse efforts

Code maintainers or stakeholders can easily track and understand innersourcing and code reuse trends within the team.

Finding reliable, reusable code is tedious and inefficient

Current tools don’t fully enable teams to innersource and use existing code to develop a more secure and coherent codebase. What does that mean for you and your team?

  • Finding idiomatic code examples is tough if you don't know where to look.
  • Without easy access to existing patterns, developers default to executing from scratch, increasing complexity and confusion in the codebase.
  • Engineering leaders lack the visibility needed to ensure teams adopt recommended packages and retire deprecated ones.

FactSet ensures consistency across its entire codebase

If I’m developing code for a library that might draw charts, for example, we don’t want 30 different ways to draw a chart at FactSet. With Sourcegraph, I can search the code to find other chart examples, and simply copy the code. This saves us time and ensures consistency.

Joseph Majesky, Software Engineer at FactSet
FactsetRead the case study

How Sourcegraph helps

Find code to reuse

Find out if a teammate has already solved your problem. With Code Search, you can quickly search across all your repositories to find the code you need.

Get started with Sourcegraph

Make it easier to discover trustworthy code for reuse so your teams can spend more time solving new problems and less time rewriting code.

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