Use Cases

Accelerate developer onboarding

Decrease time to first commit for new developers, help existing engineers master your codebase, and fast-track full codebase understanding.

Make your codebase accessible for your entire team

Find answers across all repositories

Codebases grow increasingly complex over time. Sourcegraph enables developers to search everything at once without needing to clone and search locally.

Share knowledge quickly with links to specific code

Knowledge sharing takes time. With Sourcegraph, developers can share links directly to specific lines of code and ask questions with context included.

Navigate and understand large codebases

Make new codebases approachable, not aggravating. Search across all your repositories in one place with Sourcegraph's IDE-inspired features.

Developer onboarding is slow and expensive

Current tools and practices don't enable teams to onboard developers effectively or efficiently.

What does that mean for you?

  • New developers are left confused, struggling in front of an opaque codebase.
  • Senior teammates need to break focus to answer questions while new devs wait to be unblocked.
  • Existing developers onboarding to new projects struggle to maintain turnaround times as they learn unfamiliar parts of the codebase.

Lunar makes every developer autonomous

Sourcegraph makes it possible for us to enable every team to develop autonomous practices and solve cross-coding issues. This autonomy is vital to ensure developers and their teams can accomplish their day-to-day work in isolation without being blocked.

Bjørn Hal Sørensen, Web Architect at Lunar

How Sourcegraph helps

Make knowledge self-serve

With Sourcegraph, developers can find answers without waiting for a teammate to point them to the relevant code. When questions arise, devs feel more confident that they're asking a more focused and informed question.

Convoy knows its codebase inside and out

For our new developers, Sourcegraph has been invaluable to get to know the repository structure, to track down where code lives, and self-service during their investigations.

Owen Kim, Senior Software Engineer at Convoy
ConvoyRead the case study

Give your team the onboarding experience they deserve.

Enable all your devs to find the answers they need to work more efficiently, ship code more confidently, and stay in flow.

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